
Danone takes flexible production line in operation

Date: 06.05.2021Source: Danone


Danone commissions its first flexible production line at the Ochsenfurt plant in Germany. It can be used to produce chilled and non-chilled products (pudding, yoghurt) and plant-based products. The line is designed for different packaging formats and materials (rPET, paper).
The new production line will enable a more flexible and customer-oriented production that takes into account the ever faster changing consumer needs. It will also be possible to manufacture smaller production quantities, for example to test an innovation in the market.
The new line should also make it possible to differentiate between mixed and non-mixed cartons, different sizes or e-commerce oriented packaging relatively late in the manufacturing process. Labels are printed digitally on site.
An amount close to double-digit millions has been invested.

Roland Sossna / IDM

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