
AGRANA Fruit -Trendblog: “Act for Future”

Date: 13.10.2020Source: Agrana Fruit

As part of AGRANA Fruits latest Consumer Megatrends the company has just published trendblog “Act for Future”, which focuses on developing future-proof solutions by addressing increasing sustainability needs.

What is “Act for Future” all about
Sustainability has been a major consumer concern influencing the food & beverage industry for many years already. However, the trend has recently evolved from awareness about the topic to taking action. Food & beverage companies are expected to offer sustainability to consumers – just like nutrition. For example in 2019, 87% of consumers expected companies to invest in sustainability – 22% more than in the previous year (Source: Innova Market Insights). In 2020 consumers globally have become even more concerned about environmental issues as a result of Covid-19. Consumers are interested in how companies deal with food waste and how they treat animals and people. Also topics like biodiversity and regenerative farming are in the spotlight. At AGRANA Fruit sustainability is part of our Strategy 2025 and the company focuses on Eco Efficiency and Sourcing Practices. To read the full trendblog, visit: https://international.trendblog.agrana.com/en/af-fruit-trends/act-for-future

Roland Sossna / IDM

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