
DMK converts milk tankers to Bio-LNG

Date: 18.06.2024Source: DMK

The DMK Group is converting its fleet of milk tankers to the climate-friendly fuel Bio-LNG, which can save around 99 per cent of CO2. Up to 5 per cent of the DMK Group’s total emissions are attributable to milk collection. The first three milk collection lorries with low-CO2 fuel are already in use at the Edewecht site, and a total of 13 vehicles are to be successively put into operation there by the end of 2024. The roll-out of the new drive system to the rest of the DMK fleet, which is stationed at other locations, will follow in a second step. In total, all 80 DMK milk collection vehicles are to be converted by 2027, saving around 13,500 tons of CO2 per year.

Roland Sossna / IDM

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