
Emmentaler is a generic designation

Date: 27.01.2025Source: MIV

On 24 January 2020, the EU Commission announced that the “Emmentaler” designation of origin, which is protected in Switzerland, is a generic designation in the EU. This is the first time in the history of the Geographical Indications Regulation that the EU Commission has categorised a dairy product as a generic designation. “Emmentaler” can therefore continue to be produced and marketed in the EU, regardless of the place of production. The only condition is that the cheese must be produced in accordance with the respective national production regulations.

The EU Commission based its decision on the fact that the name “Emmentaler” is historically and culturally associated with a wider geographical area than just Switzerland. There are already three protected names that contain “Emmentaler” but are produced outside of Switzerland. These are: “Allgäuer Emmentaler” (PDO) – produced in Germany, “Emmental français est-central” (PGI) and “Emmental de Savoie” (PGI) – produced in France. In all these cases, protection is granted for the compound name and not for the name “Emmentaler” per se.


Photo: LVBM

Roland Sossna / IDM

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