The average milk price in the EU will be between 40c and 45c to in 2023. This was predicted by Christophe Lafougere (photo: IDM) from the consulting company Gira at the DSM Global Ruminant Days in Rome. According to Lafougere, the dairy market has changed fundamentally in the last 3 years. The increase in milk production costs by 30 to 40% would ensure higher milk prices. In addition, there has been a decline in supply in New Zealand and the EU as a result of decreasing herd sizes and producers leaving production. The exit is not so much due to profits, but to the desire of some farmers to be able to lead a “normal” working life without 24/7/363 stress. In France, according to Lafougere, this affects farms with by all means 1 million kg of deliveries; in northern Germany, more farms are switching to bioenergy. Once they leave, says Lafougere, they do not come back to milking.