
Hochland and Those Vegan Cowboys in cooperation

Date: 20.01.2024Source: Those Vegan Cowboys

German Hochland Group, one of the largest private cheese producers in Europe, has signed an agreement with the precision fermentation company Those Vegan Cowboys. Those Vegan Cowboys has been producing milk-analogue casein since 2023. Together with Hochland, Those Vegan Cowboys will test their animal-free casein in a wide range of semi-hard and hard cheeses.
As microbial casein is categorised as a ‘novel food’, cheese with casein from fermentation is not yet commercially available. Those Vegan Cowboys are working on an application for worldwide market authorisation. Initially, the focus will be on the United States because the approval process is smoother there. Cheese with microbial casein is expected to go on sale there in 2025. Asia is expected to follow shortly afterwards. The launch in Europe is expected to take place in 3-4 years. Those Vegan Cowboys has already been given the green light to organise tastings in the Netherlands later this year.


Roland Sossna / IDM

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