
Lacprodan BLG-100 receives Novel Food authorisation

Date: 11.01.2023Source: Arla Foods Ingredients

Arla Foods Ingredients has received final authorisation from the European Commission (EC) for its Lacprodan beta-lactoglobulin (BLG)-100, making this its first product to receive approval under the new Novel Food Regulations.

The authorisation comes several months after the ingredient gained a favourable response from the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) as a novel food (NF) in a variety of applications back in April 2022. The agency described the ingredient as ‘safe under the proposed conditions of use’ in isotonic and sport drinks, whey powder and milk-based drinks, and in food for special medical purposes (FSMP).

The ingredient offers a unique nutritional composition with 40% more BCAAs than ‘normal’ whey protein and 45% more leucine, which are essential in triggering muscle protein synthesis, making it especially relevant for people focusing on muscle health.

The geographical relevance of Lacprodan BLG-100 is global but the EU, USA, China and Japan are the primary scope initially.  For more visit arlafoodsingredients.com

David Cox / IDM

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