
Unveiling SoPure™ Dorado: a pure, unrefined golden Stevia extract

Date: 27.08.2024Source: Howtian Group

HOWTIAN has announced the launch of SoPure™ Dorado, the latest innovation in natural sweeteners designed to meet the rising demand for minimally processed, plant-based products.  SoPure™ Dorado is an unrefined golden stevia extract, offering the least processed, plant-based, zero-calorie sweetener.

The company’s newest product was designed for modern food & beverage consumers who are increasingly seeking out products that are honest, simple, and as close to their natural state as possible. In many parts of the world, a significant and growing percentage of the population identifies as ‘Natural Seekers.’

According to a survey conducted in 2024 by Innova Trends, 67% of consumers chose to reduce their consumption of over-processed foods to lead a healthier lifestyle, claiming the #1 most important value to them in their diets is transparency. Today’s Natural Seekers are not only seeking natural ingredients for the nutritional value, but increasingly rejecting industrialised food products in favour of those that are ‘clean and simple.’

Said Tom Fuzer, Vice President of Market Strategy: “Many consumers believe that stevia, despite being a natural sweetener, undergoes extensive processing that strips it of its natural benefits. With SoPure Dorado, we aim to change that narrative. Our innovative product retains its natural golden colour and delivers outstanding solubility, making it the ideal choice for products appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking minimally processed alternatives.”

The misconception that stevia is inherently over processed stems in part from the proliferation of alternative stevia processing technologies in recent years. Many of these differing methods don’t require stevia leaves as raw material and blur the lines of what can or should be considered natural sweetener products. However, SoPure™ Dorado stands out with its naturally high concentration of the most desired sweet molecules – the steviol glycoside compounds of the stevia leaves. This allows for a reduction in the extraction process to just one simple step using pure water, maintaining the integrity and naturalness of the sweetener.

Moreover, the cultural significance of golden hues in food is integral to what sets SoPure™ Dorado apart from other sweeteners. In many cultures, golden foods symbolise purity, quality, and natural goodness. Dorado’s naturally retained golden colour resonates with these cultural values, adding an extra layer of appeal to an already unique product.

HOWTIAN has announced the launch of SoPure™ Dorado, the latest innovation in natural sweeteners designed to meet the rising demand for minimally processed, plant-based products.  SoPure™ Dorado is an unrefined golden stevia extract, offering the least processed, plant-based, zero-calorie sweetener.

The company’s newest product was designed for modern food & beverage consumers who are increasingly seeking out products that are honest, simple, and as close to their natural state as possible. In many parts of the world, a significant and growing percentage of the population identifies as ‘Natural Seekers.’

A 2024 Innova Trends Survey revealed 67% of consumers chose to reduce their consumption of over-processed foods to lead a healthier lifestyle, claiming the #1 most important value to them in their diets is transparency. Today’s Natural Seekers are not only seeking natural ingredients for the nutritional value, but increasingly rejecting industrialised food products in favour of those that are ‘clean and simple.’

Said Tom Fuzer, Vice President of Market Strategy: “Many consumers believe that stevia, despite being a natural sweetener, undergoes extensive processing that strips it of its natural benefits. With SoPureM Dorado, we aim to change that narrative. Our innovative product retains its natural golden colour and delivers outstanding solubility, making it the ideal choice for products appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking minimally processed alternatives.”

The misconception that stevia is inherently overprocessed stems in part from the proliferation of alternative stevia processing technologies in recent years. Many of these differing methods don’t require stevia leaves as raw material and blur the lines of what can or should be considered natural sweetener products. However, SoPure™ Dorado stands out with its naturally high concentration of the most desired sweet molecules – the steviol glycoside compounds of the stevia leaves. This allows for a reduction in the extraction process to just one simple step using pure water, maintaining the integrity and naturalness of the sweetener.

Moreover, the cultural significance of golden hues in food is integral to what sets SoPure™ Dorado apart from other sweeteners. In many cultures, golden foods symbolise purity, quality, and natural goodness. Dorado’s naturally retained golden colour resonates with these cultural values, adding an extra layer of appeal to an already unique product.

Concluded Fuzer: “In fact, SoPure™ Dorado was successfully tested with food and beverage manufacturing customers around the world. We saw not only strong interest in the product’s unique benefits in the market, but also received loads of valuable feedback about the range of opportunities our partners see with it.”  For more visit howtiangroup.com/

Dorado was successfully tested with food and beverage manufacturing customers around the world. We saw not only strong interest in the product’s unique benefits in the market, but also received loads of valuable feedback about the range of opportunities our partners see with it.”  For more visit howtiangroup.com/

David Cox / IDM

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