IDM ¦ IDF Column
Dairy nutrients support
health throughout life
IDF organized its annual Nutrition and Health Symposium,
focusing on the role dairy plays across the life stages.
Author: Caroline Emond, Secretary General International Dairy Federation
42 · May/June 2022 ¦
primary sources of calcium which are generally of higher bioavailability
than from other sources”.
Dairy products are an important source of essential amino acids,
fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals which can prevent undernutrition
and support healthy growth and development during childhood
through to adulthood: “However important, the focus on
the first 1000 days is insufficient, as intervention is also required
in three later phases: middle childhood (5-9 years), when infection
and malnutrition constrain growth; adolescent growth spurt (10-14
years) and the adolescent phase of growth, brain maturation and
consolidation (15-19 years) if a child is to achieve his full potential as
an adult – an important but often overlooked area being the diet”,
Professor Seema Puri from Delhi University said.
Food-based dietary guidelines are key to provide healthy eating
guidance in every life stage. However, only a few countries such as
South Africa, Kenya or Nigeria have guidelines tailored to the specific
nutritional needs of children. Professor Lisanne Du Plessis, from
Stellenbosch University explained: “Barriers to following the guidelines
included limited physical and financial access to resources, cultural/
family practices, poor social support, and time constraints”.
The last speaker of the first session touched on the type of
milk that children should drink. Contrary to popular belief, there
Over 200 nutrition and health professionals from all
over the world virtually attended the event led by 8
experts and 2 moderators from various regions of the
world. Good nutrition is key for health and wellbeing
throughout life and can help us live our life to the fullest. Dairy
products are nutrient-rich and are a source of protein, B vitamins,
iodine, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, zinc, and potassium –
making them an excellent choice for nutritional needs at all ages
and stages of life. The unique combination of nutrients and bioactive
factors, and how they interact with each other in the dairy
matrix, combine to produce the overall effect on health.
Nutrition and health professionals from all over the world listened
to international experts discuss the latest research on dairy,
nutrition, and health. During the first session, experts presented
the role of dairy in maternal diets, for children and teenagers.
One of the main challenges during pregnancy and lactation is
the increased demand for micronutrients, such as folate, vitamin
B12, iodine and calcium. Dairy products contain these nutrients
naturally, helping to nourish both mother and foetus, as explained
by Professor Ian Givens from Reading University: “Those who
chronically consume suboptimal amounts of calcium may be at risk
of excessive bone loss and may need additional calcium to meet
both foetal and maternal needs. Milk and dairy foods are often the